NAUMD’s Next Generation Leadership Convention


Registration Now Open for NAUMD’s Next Generation Leadership Convention – March 25 – 28, 2018 in St. Louis  

Omaha, NE – Registration is now open for those wishing to attend or exhibit at the North American Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors’ (NAUMD) annual convention, which will be held at the St. Louis Marriott Grand, St. Louis, MO, March 25 – 28, 2018.

The NAUMD convention brings together executives and decision makers from across the uniform and image apparel spectrum.  Its mix of education, networking, social events, and industry awards has made it an industry favorite, and the two-day trade show component is a must-attend for anyone looking to learn about the latest products in the uniform marketplace.

“If you’re looking to get a leg up on the competition, then you need to be in St. Louis this March,” NAUMD President Steve Zalkin said.  “The opportunities for professional development are endless, and St. Louis is a great city to socialize and network with peers.”

The 2018 Next Generation Leadership Convention is intended to serve as a bridge between established industry leaders and the up-and-coming business professionals who will take over in the near future. “The fact is, everything is changing and organizations that survive will not only endure these changes, but embrace them,” Zalkin added.  “Any strategy that doesn’t include an investment in the next generation is missing a key ingredient.  A brand new generation of leaders is taking the reins, and the NAUMD intends to empower them.”

The 2018 Next Generation Leadership Convention kicks off on Sunday, March 25 with registration, exhibitor setup and evening events.  The convention keynote and education sessions will take place on Monday and Tuesday, March 26 – 27; the exhibit hall will also be open on March 26 and 27.  The NAUMD will honor the best in uniforms, image apparel and industry innovation at the Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening, March 27.

New to the awards program is the Circle of Excellence Next Generation Leadership Award. This award will be given to five individuals under 40 who have genuine industry achievements. The program focuses on identifying and developing the talent of uniform industry professionals through increased access and exposure to industry networking and leadership.  Applications will be available at starting November 15th.

You can register for the convention as an attendee or exhibitor by visiting Exhibitors are encouraged to reserve their booths early in order to ensure a spot in the exhibit hall.  Contact Steve Zalkin, NAUMD president, with any questions or concerns at . Additional details regarding convention programming will be updated on a regular basis; check the website for further details.


The North American Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors (NAUMD) has served as the voice of the uniform and image apparel industries since 1933. Its 500+ members include manufacturers, designers, producers, and retailers of uniforms, as well as those who produce products and services for the industry at large.

The NAUMD works to protect the interests of its members through a series of advocacy, education, and public relations campaigns intended to arm them with the tools needed to retain and capture business in a global economy. The association has authored a number of position papers and has an extensive library of information from which members can further their understanding of the uniform marketplace. NAUMD also host an annual convention and trade show where attendees can source products, learn about the latest trends, and gain practical, take-home knowledge to better run their business.

You can learn more about the association and its programs by visiting