Updated Vendors License Code for companies distributing Postal Uniforms

Updated Vendors License Code for companies distributing Postal Uniforms

According to a message from NAUMD President Steve Zalkin, all the companies distributing postal uniforms are advised to mark their calendars with important hard deadline dates.  

It was mentioned that, on January 1, 2020, the USPS implemented an updated Vendors License Code of Ethical Conduct Agreement and Uniform Program Policies.  

These changes have been made to augment controls and ensure the compliance of the uniform program policies and to improve the efficiency of the overall management of the program.  

Earlier it was disclosed that failure to comply with any of the agreed-upon terms will result in immediate termination of license without consideration for termination.  

However, NAUMD has noticed that more than a few vendor licenses have been revoked for non-compliance with the license renewal process and for not submitting quarterly sales reports by the 15th day of the following month of the following quarter-end.  

Mr. Zalkin has earlier written a summary letter on this. You may read that from here. 

A letter was also earlier sent to all the licensees from the USPS Uniform Program Coordinator about the updated changes and agreement. Below is an excerpt from it. 


  • Annual license renewal packets will be mailed to all active vendors on November 1. 
  • Vendors License Code of Ethical Conduct Agreement must be complete in its entirety. 
  • Vendors License Code of Ethical Conduct Agreement must be submitted with a payment check. 
  • No versions of the previous year agreement will be accepted. 
  • The vendor must mail the License Agreement and payments to the Uniform Program office at the address indicated on the agreement form. 
  • The vendor will receive a signed copy of the agreement electronically to the email address on file. 
  • Please ensure the email address on file with the Uniform Program is correct. 
  • Vendors will not receive reminders. If you have not received your renewal packet in early November contact the Uniform Program Coordinator


Based on the current rate of inflation, there will be a change in the annual license renewal fee amount and the total sales limit amount for a six month period: 

  • The annual license fee will increase to $1,000 for each vendor license number. 
  • The license renewal fee is nonrefundable and must be paid by the established due date. 
  • The six (6) month sales minimum amount will increase to $3,500. Failure to meet the sales minimum amount will result in termination of the vendor’s license with no consideration for reinstatement. 


  • The license renewal payment must be received, no later than January 1 of the renewal year. 
  • The 2.7% Administrative fee must be received no later than Feb28 of the renewal year. 
  • The vendors’ license will be terminated, with no consideration of reinstatement, for payments not received by the due date. 


Item #9 of the Vendors License Code of Ethical Conduct states in part: 

“Any attempt by Vendor to assign this license in whole or in part is outside the scope of this License and makes this License void and of no further effect. This License Agreement and the License granted hereunder shall immediately terminate upon any change of control of the Vendor. A “change of control” means any transaction in which there is a change in the person or entity holding a controlling interest in the equity of vendor (or the equity of any corporate parent of Vendor), any transaction involving a sale of all or substantially all of the assets of Vendor (or the assets of any corporate parent of Vendor), any merger of Vendor with or into another entity, or any similar transaction which in the sole and unreviewable discretion of the Postal Service effects a change in control of Vendor.” 

  •  All vendor subsidiaries and DBAs must acquire a separate license number and submit a separate license. 
  • The annual license renewal fee and an annual 2.7% Administrative Fee must be submitted for each. 


As stated in Item #4 of the License Agreement: 

“Vendor must submit the total sales of all Postal Service Uniform items electronically every quarter to uniformProgram@usps.gov.” 

  • All required information must be sent as an email There will be no exceptions granted. 
  • Quarterly Sales Reports will be due on the 15tof the month following the end of the quarter. 
  • Quarterly reports will not be accepted before the last day of the quarter. 
  • Failure to provide the quarterly reports by the due date will result in termination of the vendor’s license with no consideration of reinstatement. 


A listing of approved postal manufacturers will be provided with the annual license agreement packet. 

  • Vendors must purchase authorized uniform items from approved postal manufacturers 
  • Vendor uniform purchases from an unauthorized manufacturer will result in termination of your license agreement without warning and with no consideration of reinstatement. 
  • The vendor must retain manufacturers’ invoices of authorized uniform 
  • These records must be available for inspection for minimum of 3 years after the datof purchase. 
  • The Uniform Allowance Program Coordinator reserves the right to request invoices at any 
  • Unauthorized/counterfeit items currently in-store and/or online must be removed from sales stock. 
  • Unauthorized use of the Postal logo is a violation of the postal trademark and subject to legal action and will result in termination of your license agreement without warning and with no consideration of reinstatement. 


  • Vendors must provide a list of all storefront location addresses and online Postal websites to UniformProgram@usp.sgov. 

Failure to adhere to the Vendors License Code of Ethical Conduct Agreement, Policy Guidelines, and all other requirements stated above, will result in termination of your license agreement without warning and with no consideration of reinstatement. We have full confidence that you will abide by the license agreement terms and hope that our organizations may continue to work together.