Uniforms, scrubs and more available locally: The looks that work


STAFFORD — Carman Puma always wanted to own his own business — but just he wasn’t certain what type would work out best

When he learned that another local man was selling a uniform business, Puma’s wife, Denise, encouraged him to purchase it.

“My wife works in the medical profession and knew local doctors and nurses needed uniforms,” Puma said. “But most importantly, the community needed its own store and the business had to stay locally.”

Without a doubt, their thoughts paid off.

Since opening Uniformity Uniforms and Tuxedos in 2003, the business expanded from a 500-square-foot store to a 2,000-square-foot store with diversified stock — everything from stethoscopes and scrubs to tuxedos and varsity jackets. Puma moved into the larger store in 2007.

“My wife was right,” said Puma, who was a salesman before becoming a business owner.

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