A Different Thinking Time


My mind is more open than ever since my thirty-six years in this apparel and uniform industry. Fortunately, I have been through a number of recessions so while this experience may not be easy, it’s not unfamiliar. Now is the opportunity to apply different thinking about services and products. A few weeks ago, I took an unsolicited call from a sales VP in the shoe business. Typically in the past I would have dismissed the call as a mistake as we are in the apparel business. But I decided to listen. This fine gentlemen introduced me to his line of high-quality, slip-resistant shoes. Something I would have never thought about on my own now seemed a very natural extension for my uniform and career apparel clients in addition to the clothing we currently manufacture.

After a few weeks of speaking to clients about this line and networking with sales people I have know for many years, great interest has ensued. We are on the verge of confirming our first orders which will total more than 100,000 pair (about 24 container’s worth) of a product that never crossed my mind until 2009! In addition, due to this product expansion, for the first time, Greco Apparel, will be taking a booth at the NAUMD convention in Las Vegas in April, and sharing the booth and expense with my new shoe vendor. I induced them to join the NAUMD as well. Today, during a meeting with that sales VP, he thanked me for taking his initial phone call! It is I who is grateful as well.

Further in response to client demands and new prospective business, we are in the process of setting up a small and flexible sewing line. We can handle various products, small runs and give very quick turn time. Mostly we outsource our programs to larger contract factories. While we will continue with that strategy, those factories typically don’t want to be bothered with the smaller orders. But they are profitable and a means to service client needs. Customized response on typical items and the ability to produce specialty products in this career apparel business is a service my clients are delighted to have. I would not have thought this business attractive if the economic environment had not changed. Abraham Lincoln said. “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important that any other one thing.” Think about it.