Policewomen Forced to Wear Men’s Uniforms


A government minister today called on police forces to end the “crazy” practice of making female officers wear uniforms designed for men.

Maria Eagle, the justice minister, said she had been amazed to learn that some forces were still only offering one version of their uniform, with shirts measured by collar size alone and lacking any allowances for the female form.

The revelation came in a five-year study by the Fawcett Society, which campaigns for gender equality, on the experiences of female victims, offenders and law enforcement- and legal professionals. The research concluded that the justice system in England and Wales was “institutionally sexist”. It said the way some forces offered only uniforms and stab vests designed for men was an example of the ways in which women were discriminated against.

“One would hope that whichever forces it is that are still doing that would just use a little bit of common sense,” Eagle said at the launch of the report in central London today.

“It can’t be beyond the wit of man and woman to change that. It can’t possibly cost any money. One would hope that [once] such stupidities having been highlighted, it will be sorted out.

“It does make a very clear point, doesn’t it? How welcome would you feel as a woman in a police force like that, if you can’t even get clothes that fit you? It’s crazy.

“No employer should be driving women away because they require them to wear uniforms that aren’t made for women. I’m just amazed that that’s still the case in some organisations.”

The Fawcett Society’s commission on women and the criminal justice system heard that the male uniform, based on 1950s military wear, was uncomfortable and impractical for female officers.

While some forces had tailors modify the uniforms to fit officers, employees in others had to either undertake their own alterations or put up with an ill-fitting outfit.

Source: Guardian.Co.UK, May 13, 2009