JSD creates a bespoke uniform design that echoes the distinction of St James Court


A hotel of distinction – one that caters for some of the world’s most discerning travelers, for whom luxury is a way of life – must have a uniform for its management and staff that exudes opulence and style.

And that was why St James Court, a Taj Hotel, London (part of the renowned international hotel group Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces) picked up the phone to Jermyn Street Design one Friday afternoon in September 2013.

Taj had seen their bespoke uniform designs for other leading hotel brands and also knew of JSD’s reputation for managing tight turnarounds. By the following week, an agreement was in place. JSD would create an exclusive uniform range for St James’ Court that encompasses a distinctive ladies’ dress, jacket and skirt, waistcoat blouse and scarf, in sizes 6 to 16; a men’s jacket, trousers and waistcoat and tie; and a distinctive apron for the food and beverage team.

“We learned very quickly that the important thing with the Taj Group is for each individual hotel to encapsulate something of its identity and heritage into the uniform design,” explains JSD Designer, Rebecca Rhoades. “Our starting point was to visit St James’ Court and photograph the historic detailing and to identify architectural elements that could be incorporated into the staff uniforms, in a way that would make them truly bespoke.”

In particular, the JSD team identified the iconic scallop shell design – the emblem of St James of Compostela – which adorns the hotel gates to this day and inspired the coat of Arms that forms the logo of St James’ Court. It was these architectural details that became a key part of the overall bespoke design, incorporated into the luxury 100% silk scarf and ties. The peacock feather motif of the Taj hotels resorts and palaces was embroidered – subtle pale grey on dark grey – on to the aprons designed by JSD for the food and beverage team.

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