Leading uniform maker donates leftover textiles for charity bag project


Well-known uniform manufacturer Cintas Corporation has partnered with Know Hope, a Cincinnati-based non-profit, to reuse leftover material from the uniforms to help families in Mexico, Africa, Haiti and Guatemala.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that about 21 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste ends up in landfills each year. In an effort to mitigate the problem, Cintas will donate its leftover uniform material to line reusable burlap bags sold by the charity. Funds from the bags will be used to purchase products and provide services to families in Mexico, Africa, Haiti and Guatemala, Cintas said.

“The average U.S. citizen throws away 70 pounds of textiles each year, but corporations also have a responsibility to help divert this waste from landfills,” said Melanie Boyle, Cintas manager of sustainability. “This partnership is a win-win because we’re supporting a local non-profit in their mission to make the world a better place while maintaining Cintas’ commitment to both sustainability and being a good corporate citizen in the communities in which we do business.”

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