Ontario County To Donate EMS Uniforms to Mexico


Huron County has given the thumbs up on some long distance charity.

Council approved this week a request that all discarded County Emergency Medical Service uniforms be sent to first responders in Mexico.

The uniforms cost about $150.

Specifically, the uniforms will go to fire departments in Lake Chapala.

EMS Chief Dave Lew says he was approached by a local in June who asked if the County would supply old uniforms to be sent to foreign first responders in need.

The cost of shipping the 70 full outfits to Mexico will be covered by the country’s Anezeh Shriners.

Lew says EMS uniforms are replaced each year, so the County’s bottom line is unaffected by the giving.

EMS’ old defibrillators were also requested, but staff return those to the vendor for a reduced cost when buying new equipment.

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