Webinar Update | Decoding the Rising Need of Uniform Management Systems | Register Now 

Webinar Update

The uniform industry is experiencing an unprecedented rise in demand for employee uniform management systems as businesses look to provide their employee with a seamless buying experience.  

Our upcoming webinar aims to shed light on the widespread digital transformation that the uniform industry is going through right now and things uniform distributors must focus on to grow their business. We will also be sharing some of our customer stories on how they have completed turned their uniform program performance on its head with the power of technology. 
Webinar Details: Date: 23 February 2023, Time: 11 AM CDT 

Taking the lead with employee uniform programs 

Uniform sellers often find themselves dealing with inefficient order management systems, complex customizations, limited payment options, and niche buying rules. These challenges can be further complicated by the ever-changing needs and preferences of their customers. 

To stay competitive, uniform sellers need a robust system that can adapt to their changing needs and provide them with the tools they need to streamline their operations and enable them to win national uniform program contracts. 
The right uniform management system will help… 

  • Reduce time-to-market 
  • Cut down operational costs 
  • Automate uniform compliance for clients 
  • Improve buying experience with in-store personalization 
  • Boost client retention and revenue 

Here’s an overview of the topics we will be covering in the webinar: 

  • Why uniform management systems are a must for running uniform programs 
  • What’s new in 2023 in UniformMarket’s Uniform Program Management 
  • Keys to creating high-functional employee uniform programs 
  • The benefits and impact of using uniform management system 

Register for the LIVE webinar and grow your business with the power entirely in your hands.