NAUMD Names 2020 Innovation Award Winners

NAUMD 2020 Innovation Award Winners

June 10, 2020, Evanston, IL – The North American Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors (NAUMD) today announced the winners of its 2020 Innovation Awards.

The Innovation Awards is a program that distinguishes unique design, advanced technology, and excellence within the public safety uniform and apparel industry. This year’s award recipients were determined by a panel of judges who reviewed each submission and judged the innovations based on the benefit to the wearer, application of new technology, overall creativity, and the quality of the research process. The competition is open to all companies in the image apparel and uniform industry. For those who wish to participate, entry forms must be completed and entered with photographs or drawings of the innovative uniform. Each winner receives an award plaque.

“We’re excited to shine a spotlight on the uniform suppliers who went above and beyond to create more stylish, efficient, and comfortable apparel,” said President of NAUMD, Steve Zalkin. “Our Innovation Awards represent the unique ways shoes, apparel, badges, and more transform the overall function and comfort of a uniform. This year’s winners used cutting-edge technology and creativity to design inspiring apparel.”

Winners of the 2020 Innovation Awards are as follows:

  • Aramark Uniform Services, Best Fabric Innovation, WearGuard®Eco Collection made with ReTerra™ & OstraTec™
  • Smith & Warren, Best Badge or Emblem Design, Commerce City Police Department, CO.
  • Bulwark Protective Apparel/VF Workwear, Best Garment Innovation – Comfort, Nomex®Comfort
  • Design Collective by Cintas, Best Garment Innovation – Function, Tech Pant

An awards dinner was planned but had to be canceled due to the worldwide health pandemic. There is talk about scrapping the entire program until 2021, but that idea was eventually reconsidered.

“So much of life had already been canceled. To void the accomplishments of those who produced great apparel and uniform programs simply did not feel right,” explained Zalkin. “So, while we can’t host a physical awards night this year, we will still honor the achievements of 2020. Doing so is important and appropriate, and proof that better days are ahead.”

Suggested: NAUMD Announces 2020 Image of the Year Award® Winners


The North American Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors (NAUMD) has served as the voice of the uniform and image apparel industries since 1933. Its 500+ members include manufacturers, designers, producers, and retailers of uniforms, as well as those who produce products and services for the industry at large.